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Cranked Deluxe


This custom HX STOMP preset is exactly what the name implies. It is a CRANKED Deluxe with some added colors from specific pedals.

SKU: cranked-dlx Category:

This custom HX STOMP preset is exactly what the name implies. It is a CRANKED Deluxe with some added colors from specific pedals.


  • Light compressor – just to add a little character to the tone
  • Atypical distortion pedal – again, just to add some color to the tone on a foot switch if you wish to turn it off
  • Tremolo effect – also on a foot switch
  • Built in cabinet with conservative low and high cut settings to avoid muddiness especially when direct recording
  • Gentle EQ setting to add further clarity
  • Plate reverb

This is an extremely versatile preset that can cover a lot of ground especially when used in conjunction with your guitar’s volume and tone controls.

Video will start at sound example: