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Country Deluxe


This custom HX STOMP preset is of a Deluxe amp with both a country setting and more modern setting with some added colors from specific pedals.

SKU: country-dlx Category:

This custom HX STOMP preset is of a Deluxe amp with both a country setting and more modern setting with some added colors from specific pedals.


  • Traditional red compressor – for some country squeeze but not too squeezed thanks to a blend option not available on the original compressor it is modeled after
  • Atypical distortion pedal – just to add some color to the tone
  • Slap delay – on a foot switch
  • Tape delay – on the other foot switch for an 8th note delay
  • Built in cabinet with conservative low and high cut settings to avoid muddiness especially when direct recording
  • Spring reverb

This is an extremely versatile preset that is not necessarily only for country as you can hear in the example in the video below especially when used in conjunction with your guitar’s volume and tone controls.

Video will start at sound example: